Gym Wide Strength Challenge | Blog


Gym Wide Strength Challenge

  • 01 Aug, 2016
  • Posted By : Kristel Suess
  • Comments : 0
In the final week of July over 400 gymnasts from our MAG level 0-4, WAG level 1-4, Gym07, Bronze and Silver programs completed the Gym Wide Strength Challenge.  The gymnasts undertook a variety of strength challenges, aiming to set personal records.

All participants were presented with a certificate showing their PB scores and overall winners for each activity from each program were presented with a ribbon.

A huge congratulations to those gymnasts who won a medal for achieving the overall highest score for one of the strength challenges for the entire gym!

Leg lifts - Lucas S (MAG)
Handstand hold - Jessica H (Silver)
Standing long jump - Michael J (Silver)
Clear Straddle hold - Ellie V (WAG)
Chin ups - Jesse T (MAG)
P Bar chin ups - Dilni M (Bronze)
Handstand walking - Henri P (MAG)
Wall handstand - Skylah LH (WAG)
Sit ups - Ella G (Gym07)
Tuck jumps - Maxine C (Silver)
Seal walks - Oscar BB (Silver)
Chin up pullover - Juliet T (WAG)




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