Gymstar sticker charts | Blog


Gymstar sticker charts

  • 05 Aug, 2020
  • Posted By : Kristel Suess
  • Comments : 0

This week our Gymstar kids received their brand new sticker charts for block 4!  Each week in our Gymstar c,ass has a fun theme, and the kids keeping track of the themes on their chart.

Each were the kids receive a sticker to take home and fill up their chart!

This week is team work and friendship and we are learning to work together with a partner to achieve skills!

We have some super exciting themes coming up this block like our EKKA fun week, Book Week amd Disco part fun week!

The gymnasts don't need to bring their sticker charts to gymnastics, they can keep them at home and bring g their sticker home to fill their chart each week!



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