MAG 2021 Strength Challenge | Blog


MAG 2021 Strength Challenge

  • 15 Mar, 2021
  • Posted By : Kristel Suess
  • Comments : 0
In February all our MAG boys completed their annual strength challenge!  The boys were tested in 14 different strength challenges, to measure their upper body strength, core strength and leg strength,  

We are so proud of all the boys, who range in age from 6-13 years, everyone put in an amazing effort and it was great tos ee how much the boys are progressing with their strength.  The results then assist our coaches in ensuring we can target the boys programs for maximum growth and development.

A special congratulations to those boys who achieved a top score.  The highest scoring gymnast in each strength area for the entire MAG program were awarded a trophy, with 2nd and 3rd place receieving a medal.  This was an awesome ahievement, with so many boys vying for these titles.
CHALLENGE 1st place 2nd place 3rd place
Chin ups Christophe T & Henry H Daniel J Loic G
Wall handstand Vaughn F Nicholas H Alex DB
Leg Lifts Henry H Casey S Fletcher H & Isaac M
Toes to bar hang Henry H Christophe T Loic G
standing long jump Christophe T Loic G Henry H
Box Jumps Daniel J Henry H Ben S
Chin up pullovers Chrstophe T Henry H Loic G
Handstand Hold Daniel J Zaydan M Henry H
Straddle hold Ryan B Nicholas H Ben G
front support Walks Christophe T Henry H Liam J
25M Sprint Liam J Asher F Ben S
V Snaps Daniel J Casey S & Henry H Fletcher H
Handstand Walking Fletcher H Loic G Nicholas W



Boys Gym | Boys Gymnastics | Chun Ups | Mag | Mens Artistic Gymnastics | Pull Ups | Push Ups | Strength | Strong Boys


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