Future Stars Competition 2021 | Blog


Future Stars Competition 2021

  • 19 Oct, 2021
  • Posted By : Kristel Suess
  • Comments : 0
What an exciting weekend is was on October 9th and 10th!  Our final group competition for the year!

Our Performance Teams travelled to the Gold Coast to participate in the Future Stars championships at the amazing Star Casiono Theatre on the Gold Coast.  The competition was of an amazing standard, and the theatre is such a professional place to perform!

The weekend began on Saturday with our Senior Performance Team competing their "Legally Blonde"  routine in the 15 years and under Musical theatre section.  Our team took their routine to a whole new level on the day, with an incredible standard of performance quality.  The team won 2nd place in the section.

We returned in the evening to compete in the Open Acrobatics section.  This was one of the highest standards of acrobatics competitions we have every seen.  We were honoured to win 3rd place with our Hunger games routine on the day.

Back on Sunday for our Junior Performance teams turn to compete.  Our Juniors took 2nd place in the 10 years and under Musical Theatre section with their ' Matilda"  routine and won boith 2nd place and 3rd place in the 10 years and under acrobatics sections with outstanding performances with both their " Willy Wonka"  and " Oliver"  routines!

It has been a great competition season and we feel so privl;edged to have been able to have such a fabulous season despite all the difficulties with COVID,  Our Performance Teams will be performing thier competition routines in the 2021 Showcase on November 28th.  We can't wait to share them with you all!


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